Matrix HPC

High Performance Computing

Our Core Values

High Performance

We exist to achieve superior results for our customers


We take responsibility and deliver on our commitments

Customer Focus

We aim to satisfy our customers and build strong working partnerships


We do what is important, be pragmatic and avoid over-complication

Our Approach


Before a project begins, the overall objective and scope of the project is clearly defined (and agreed). Making sure that every aspect of the project is carefully considered in the discussion and everyone associated with the project aligned with the objective and scope.


Developing a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a critical part of the project management process. This process requires team effort & customer input for the given project. What seems like a realistic timeframe for many project teams often turns out to be unattainable. 


Potential and known risk that impact your project is important to identify and compiling all this information is part of the project strategy, we then create a risk management plan that is followed until the successful completion of the project.


A project, by definition, is something that doesn’t stay as usual and is subject to achieve a degree of change. Whether it is a change in workflow or workforce, whatever the change is, it should involve a clear understanding of what the impact of the change will be and how you can ensure that it is managed smoothly and quickly.

At Matrix HPC, visualizing every aspect of the project is important, detailing project plans, enable visualization of the project timeline, estimates, the timeline of tasks/subtasks & milestones.

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